
Best BookFolds

New info at the bottom.

Deep Angle
Deep Angle
Three dimentional

Screen Shot of Deep Angle.

Screen Shot of Valley.

Screen Shot of Mesa with error.

This Gcode data that controls the Laser.

The different ways to fold the image.
The Cyan lines are the folds. Red lines are cut.

The future plan is to make 3D cuts.

Snow Globe cuts a thin "glass" part above the folded parts.
What is normally the top edge of the book page is the green line.
The folds are inside that.

Photo of cut page. Very small so detial is poor.

Working on RoboKen.
Two Robotic Arms (1) to put paper in the Laser Cutter
(2) to remove and stack the cut pages.

Working on RoboKen Arm.
The arm moves. The motor for the Elbow is a counterweight
to suppoet the paper suction plate wieght.

Arm control program.
The program will create the Gcode to control the motors.
This animation is where I "teach" the arm how to move.
This also eliminates hardware damage while figuring out
how to move the motors.
Like forgetting to miss the Laser while treaveling back for more paper.
You need to click here to play with the ARM.

Lightning fast Paper.
The last animation revealed that there was too much wasted time.
This animation shows both arms waiting to do their thing.
The grab and place happens almost at the same time.
You need to click here to play Animation.
(Does not work with all browsers)

Yeah! I have learned to use a 3d CAD program.

The honeycomb table (Yellow) has slots cut for the Lifting Bars to resess.
Lifting Bars (RED) raise the paper to meet the rollers.
The rollers pivot (green) away from the table during cutting.
The bars lift the paper above the table and the rollers push the
paper in/out.
A sensor is used to presicely position the paper for cutting.
This design eliminates the vaccume plates.
The paper will employ tabs so little pieces are not left behind.

How marvelous a tool for design Blender is?

So here is the latest design.
DownLoad this file
THen Extract the Blender file
Double click the blender file. Click on the text for X, Y, or Z.
Then move it in the appropriate direction to see the machine in action.

© Copyright 2017. Ken Prehn.
This webpage and all of its content is under the protection of copyright laws.
No images or content may be used without the expressed permission of Ken Prehn.